speakr - A Wrapper for the Phonetic Software 'Praat'
It allows running 'Praat' scripts from R and it provides some wrappers for basic plotting. It also adds support for literate markdown tangling. The package is designed to bring reproducible phonetic research into R.
Last updated 6 days ago
6.63 score 25 stars 19 scripts 374 downloadstidygam - Tidy Prediction and Plotting of Generalised Additive Models
Provides functions that compute predictions from Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) fitted with 'mgcv' and return them as a tibble. These can be plotted with a generic plot()-method that uses 'ggplot2' or plotted as any other data frame. The main function is predict_gam().
Last updated 3 months ago
6.19 score 16 stars 65 scripts 453 downloads
rticulate - Articulatory Data Processing in R
A tool for processing Articulate Assistant Advanced™ (AAA) ultrasound tongue imaging data and Carstens AG500/1 electro-magnetic articulographic data.
Last updated 21 days ago
5.88 score 5 stars 17 scripts 243 downloadsphonetisr - A Naive IPA Tokeniser
It provides users with functions to parse International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcriptions into individual phones (tokenisation) based on default IPA symbols and optional user specified multi-character phones. The tokenised transcriptions can be used for obtaining counts of phones or for searching for words matching phonetic patterns.
Last updated 6 days ago
4.78 score 3 stars 6 scripts 118 downloads